The Half Blood Prince

The Half Blood Prince

About Severus Snape

The Meaning of the Name

Birth name:

Severus Snape.

Meaning of 'Severus':

Severus = obvious connotations of severity. Possible allusion to a Roman emperor, Lucius Septimius Severus, who built Hadrian's Wall. There are several saints called "Severus."

Meaning of 'Snape':

JK Rowling has said that "Snape is an English village" probably located in North Yorkshire near Hadrian's Wall. This town has Snape Castle. There is another village called Snape near Saxmundham, northeast of Ipswich.

Other names:

'Sev', used by Lily. 'Snivellus', used by his school enemies James Potter and Sirius Black to insult him. He called himself the Half-Blood Prince, referring to his mother's maiden name and his mixed blood.